
If Life Were a Video Game

Lili Child of Geos Screenshot

If Life Were a Video Game

Treasure chests would be
a common occurrence,

good health would be
scattered everywhere in boxes,

adversaries would always be
corporeal and scale to your ability,

invisible walls would
guide you to your next goal,

and your purse or satchel or
backpack would hold infinity.


An Unexpected Moth

a brown moth in a laundry room

An Unexpected Moth

An unexpected moth yields
a mood of expectation,
of wonder—of what insect
might wait in the next corner,
what bug might tap its six
toes under this or that rug,
what spider might hide her
eight legs behind any curtain,
what butterfly might try to
cry wolf only to find—not a
wolf at the door or a spider—
but the aforementioned moth?
How unexpected this is,
the butterfly would say,
before flapping her wings
and departing, like a froth.